Simple. Smart. Immigration Focused. At FormsPoint, we want to help you get back to your clients. Our immigration and case management software tracks progress and automates administrative tasks so you don’t have to
Get Focused with FormsPoint: Innovative Immigration Law Management Software
Automate Your Workflow Are you tired of the long data-entry processes involved with complicated immigration cases? FormsPoint works more efficiently by transforming your cases into a streamlined process that cuts down on time and headaches. Your clients handle the initial data entry with minimal oversight from you, and we do the rest of the hard work. Automation will help you focus more on your clients and less on tedious paperwork. LEARN MORE
Manage Your Clients & Cases You work hard on your cases to help your clients through the process of life-changing events. You shouldn’t have to work overtime to keep their information in order. Say goodbye to stress-filled days trying to keep up with your organization system. With FormsPoint, all of your client data is centrally-stored and automatically added to related forms. Close out your cases easily with step-by-step assistance, and stay on top of your caseload with our tasklist feature. LEARN MORE
Generate Your Petitions We’ve automated everything, including your petitions, so you can spend more time on what really matters: your clients. Each petition is fully generated and completed for you. We present you with a complete and accurate ready-to-mail USCIS package and eliminate the need for you to spend energy completing, printing, and compiling documents for cases. FormsPoint helps you get back to the basics by drastically cutting back on the time spent on administrative tasks. LEARN MORE

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